I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 29 March 2018
Professor Stephen Hawking
Sadly Stephen Hawking has pasted away last week but we will never forget all the work he as done and the things that he made possible. Tai Jericho and I have created this presentation to show the information we have learnt about Stephen Hawking. He was known as the the a very smart person. For this task we focused on using our own words about Professor Stephen Hawking.
2018 Joshua,
Professor Stephen Hawking,
Tai Jericho
Wednesday, 28 March 2018
Place value (Multiplication)
Today me and Josh used a strategy called place value to solve a multiplication equation. We wrote a story problem, and then we used our place value strategy to solve it. Me and Josh had lots of fun while trying to solve our problem.
2018 Joshua,
Josh S,
Monday, 26 March 2018
2 words 1 minute winter Olympics
Equipment & Respect
This year in the Winter Olympics. There are 43 different countries competing in the winter olympics. There will be lots of different teams using different equipment while participating in the different events that are going on. While they are in the event they will have to show lots of respect to the rules and values, also to the people competing against them in the event like bobsledding and skiing. If you come first you win a gold medal, 2nd silver medal and 3rd a bronze medal. There are also amazing mascots you can win this years mascot is a white tiger.
(99 words)
Today we used the ‘2 words 1 minute’ challenge to write a description about the Winter Olympics. After talking in pairs about the things we knew about the Winter Olympics we created a list of words (vocabulary) that would help us write our description. We chose the words ‘equipment’ and ‘respect’ to help us think about what we were going to write.
We talked about ideas with a partner, then we had 1 minute to put those ideas into sentences. We had to try our best to use all the words on our vocab list. After the minute was up we had 2 minutes to reread what we had written and make changes if anything didn’t make sense, or if we had words and punctuation in the wrong place. When we finished checking we had 2 more minutes to carry on writing our descriptions.
Then all of the words that I highlighted on my paragraph are on my word list. I did well on putting capital letters after a full stop. I need to remember to use my word list.
2018 Joshua,
Winter Olympics,
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Let me tell you something about the Winter Olympics
Let me tell you about the Winter Olympics.
In the winter Olympics there are many winter sports to be played. You can also win lots of mascots and trophies. This year the 2018 winter Olympics was held in North Korea. There are all sorts of medals you can win gold, silver and bronze. There were 92 nations/countries at the 2018 pyeongchang Olympics this year, and all the athletes tried their best to represent their country. Too compete in this winter Olympics you need to have lots of skill for the snowboarding and skiing events. There were two Nz'ers who both won bronze medals,4 they represented New Zealand very well, by showing their caring about their heritage.
This morning we worked in pairs, to do a collaborative 5 minute writing challenge we sat back to back with our partner and wrote a explanation about the winter Olympics we took turns at writing all we did was write a sentence then you buddy carries it on. It was very important we did this because it can help us with our writing structure. My Partner was Junior. We sure did enjoy this fun activity.
2018 Joshua & Junior,
Monday, 19 March 2018
Stretching Sentences with the 5 W’s
Today for writing we did stretching sentences with the 5 W's. The 5 W's are Who, What, When, Where and why. We wrote about a small boy zooming in the kitchen and then expanded it into something more detailed.
2018 Joshua W,
5 W's,
Sentence Stretching,
Friday, 2 March 2018
Agent of Change
To help us set our goals we looked at how we could be agents of change in our own 2018 learning journey. By being an agent of change you have to improve more, achieve lots and also be a better role model.
Agent of change,
Tech Graphics - Sketch Models
Today we have been learning a lot in graphics and about the materials. Today in graphics he learnt how to use Plasticine. Plasticine is a type of hard clay, you have to keep moving it around in your hand for it to get warm when it gets warm it goes soft then it will allow you to make your design for your phone holder. Our sketch models were based on phone holders we thought of different sizes and angles
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