
Tuesday, 13 September 2016

How to make a poi

How to make a poi
High density can,wool,scissor,tin can,string,plastic bag,tape,needle & Thread,bucket,hole,softly,knot,tie,plastic containers,sticky tape
1.Cut the wool into a circle that is made like a ball.
2.Then you get your string and decide how long you want it.
3.The next step is to braid your string.
4.Then get your wool and scrisor and make a whole in it and but the string threw the whole our sowe it .
5.use a plastic bag and cover your wool with it and you're done.
poi whanau living series 2poi3 whanau living series 2ti-rakau-sticks-2 whanau living series 2poi4 whanau living series 2poi5 whanau living series 2ti-rakau-sticks whanau living series 2poi2 whanau living series 2poi6 whanau living series 2

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Joshua W I like your pictures and your steps.
    I like how you put lots of detail on you document.
    Good job and keep it up.
